ExpertOption Real account
For the traders who plan on receiving the real benefit from trades, the ExpertOption offers the separate account type which is aimed at providing market operations with actual funds. All the users who would like to work with real ExpertOption account should complete the registration and pass the additional verification procedure. The switch between real and practice account is available at any time whenever the user needs their services.
Real account online
![ExpertOption - real account online](media/img/expertoption-real-account-online.jpg)
In the top dashboard menu, the user can change the account status from demo to real and vice versa at any moment. While the expandable tab is open, there is also an opportunity to see the current account balance, which helps to evaluate the situation in advance. Such switch is available only after the user confirmation of opening such, allowing before this to practice freely with demonstrative mode.
iOS real account
![ExpertOption - iOS real account](media/img/expertoption-real-account-ios.jpg)
On the iOS application, all the features replicate the actual web design, allowing to navigate in the same way or apply the selected tools as usual. All the actions are immediately registered by the system, saving all the deals on the server for instant synchronization. Especially for real accounts, the opportunity to use mobile applications is helpful in quick management of all the necessary deals.
Android real account
![ExpertOption - Android real account](media/img/expertoption-real-account-android.jpg)
Within the Android application, all the necessary features are adapted to more compact screens, allowing to access instantly only the most essential functions. In such way, the switch to real account also becomes one of the essentials, allowing to access it by clicking on the arrow facing down from the top menu. There, the pop-up window should appear for selecting either real balance or virtual one.
Difference between real and demo accounts
![ExpertOption - Difference between real and demo accounts](media/img/expertoption-difference.jpg)
When choosing between the real and demo version, the only actual difference the trader will notice is the funding origin. With real accounts, the user should deposit and withdraw the funds from actual bank account, while demo version supposes that virtual funds are generated for the in-platform application. The demonstrative account in all other aspects replicates the usual profile, allowing to train effectively for careful management in holding the actual money in trading.
Switch between real and demo accounts
![ExpertOption - Switch between real and demo accounts](media/img/expertoption-switch-accounts.jpg)
It is recommended to not rush the real account forming, at least for the novice user who has yet to learn the trading basics. With the generally lowered chances of successful trade conclusion, the inexperienced trader risks with lowering them even further. To accumulate the required knowledge even more effectively, it is advised to use the help of introduced educational materials which contain full tutorials, useful articles or hosted webinars by ExpertOption specialists.
![ExpertOption - Real account Deposit](media/img/expertoption-real-account-deposit.jpg)
Once the real account is ready, the user can proceed to depositing the funds to invest into trading deals. For the replenishment, the trader can select one of the four main services, from bank card to cryptocurrencies, and the amount of money that should be charged. The sum can be defined from the menu by default or after specifying it in the field below with the currency used, to avoid additional conversion fees.
![ExpertOption - Real account bonus](media/img/expertoption-real-account-bonus.jpg)
Each of the replenishments has the attached bonus offer, which can reach up to 50% from the initial sum. For the regular trader, it is recommended to select the optimal amount which would give the sufficient bonus while not becoming destructive for the account status. With the calculator below the field for personal sum pick, the user can see which bonus would be attached to the selected option.
Also, in case the user does not want any bonus offers, there is the right to decline them by removing the check mark from “Bonus” field in the top right corner. This may be necessary for people who want to see the clear income and expense rates during the financial operations.
Referral program
![ExpertOption - Referral program](media/img/expertoption-referrals.jpg)
Each owner of the real account gets the chance for additional fund source by using the referral links for inviting the friends. Once the link is activated, and the visitor’s account is created while using it, the referral deal is activated, allowing the host to receive additional 50% from the commissioned sum. In their stead, the invited users also receive the bonus for the deposit when activating the referral promo code or link address.